Today I made a smart cloud-like lamp
While playing with cement was fun, I am more a locally-distributed-Server-Client-architectured-HTTP-protocolled-cloud-like-smart-lamp-maker kinda guy. Bonus: Try to find Mufasa (my dog) in one of the images A »
While playing with cement was fun, I am more a locally-distributed-Server-Client-architectured-HTTP-protocolled-cloud-like-smart-lamp-maker kinda guy. Bonus: Try to find Mufasa (my dog) in one of the images A »
I love scavenging for goods in my street :) You see, soon I'll start working more from home, so its time to make myself a proper office »
Hey all! I took a small break from my mini-series "Helping the community" on ROS2 and the tello_driver for making an autonomous drone. I needed »
UPDATE (Nov 24th 2019) - If you like this post, there's a part 2 to this post with some more upgrades. In this post I'll describe »
This post is different from anything we’ve published before. It’s an explanation of how we created one of our most ambitious projects to date »
Lately my monitor stopped working. It was during the weekend and there was no way to get a new monitor anywhere. I was working on some »
Most of the days, me and my roommate commute to work by car, and we get out at different times everyday (it dependence on when we »
The holiday season is near and that means another project with lots of leds :D (Check Last year E-Hanukkiah. I haven't used the ESP8266 for the »
I haven't written a post on this blog for a few months now. Usually, if I don't have time to work on a new project I »
EDIT (23/4/2015): We've added a toturial of how to flash the ESP8266 with the arduino IDE. As part of this toturial we've created a »
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- Ancient Admin Quote, 2014