Today I made an NTP synchronized smart-lamp
Ill keep it short. Since my last project, the smart-cloud-like-lamp, I wanted to learn how to use NTP synchronization. Time synchronization issues came up quite often »
Ill keep it short. Since my last project, the smart-cloud-like-lamp, I wanted to learn how to use NTP synchronization. Time synchronization issues came up quite often »
This post is all about project design. But before getting into UML's and other modeling tools, let us have a quick rewind: A few months back »
A word of warning Before I begin, a word to this blog's regular readers. This post will likely be read by people with little background in »
Have you ever had that problem where your WiFi reception is not good enough? How about doing something about it? Last year I moved to a »
Of the six Raspberry Pis that perform various tasks around my house, two of them are dedicated Kodi boxes. For more than a year I’ve »
This will be mostly a software post, talking about a new code I wrote for my spectrum analyzer. To get the full hardware description, check part »
Ever since I've built my Solar charging station I really wanted to do another project involving solar cells, didn't need to build a solar panel again »
The holiday season is near and that means another project with lots of leds :D (Check Last year E-Hanukkiah. I haven't used the ESP8266 for the »
Yep, another post on the ESP8266 is here (By the way, Have you heard about our Facebook page already? Like us and get updates! We tend »
EDIT 4/4/2016: Check out part 2 of this post. It is mostly about a software update I've done. The code is much better, the »
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