Baby Busy Board 2.0 - Icons, PROGMEM and One LED panel
Last year we celebrated my daughter's first birthday, and as a present I've built her a busy-board and described all the build up on this post. »
Last year we celebrated my daughter's first birthday, and as a present I've built her a busy-board and described all the build up on this post. »
Last week I once again participated in the great Geekcon event. If you haven't heard of it, Geekcon is an one weekend event where people come »
This is the hardware part of my odyssey to design and build a large 4-digit, 7-segment display, running on an Arduino Nano. It's a great case-study »
A couple of days ago I watched a YouTube video where a guy pointed a device at a spinning disk. The disk's rotation speed was displayed »
It has been quite a long time since I have written a post on this blog. The main reason is the free time I have, or »
Last summer a relative showed me his Tesla Model X do its impressive Sound & Light show. If you've never seen it, click here. I decided »
My addiction to clocks started a few years back when I got it into my head that I wanted to build a mechanical timepiece. I spent »
A word of warning Before I begin, a word to this blog's regular readers. This post will likely be read by people with little background in »
A couple of months ago, during a visit to foreign shores, I picked up an 8x8 LED matrix. What caught my eye was that it was »
Not all of my projects succeed. Lately I've been working on several different projects which I hope will be documented soon, but last night I've tried »
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- Ancient Admin Quote, 2014