![Post Image](/content/images/2019/03/PLEX-server.jpg)
Building a Strong Network Infrastructure
There are a plethora of IOT devices throughout my residences, as previously mentioned in other blog postings. I am obsessed with Ethernet Tags to monitor temperatures »
We have reached that age where friends and family around starting to have babies. Giving my friend’s project, I've decided to build some nice gifts, »
This is the hardware part of my odyssey to design and build a large 4-digit, 7-segment display, running on an Arduino Nano. It's a great case-study »
This post explains how I ended up manufacturing a cute little binary counter PCB through jlcpcb.com. To make it clear from the start - my »
There are a plethora of IOT devices throughout my residences, as previously mentioned in other blog postings. I am obsessed with Ethernet Tags to monitor temperatures »
I heard two criticisms of my previous blog on the Raspberry Pi with Astro Pi hat project: The cost was very high, considering all it did »
What is Fing? Most users of Raspberry Pi have needed to find its IP address on their local network. A quick goggle at Google, and we »
About a year ago I posted a blog describing how to log temperature straight to google sheets from a DS18B20 temperature sensor. New Version This blog »
Geek that I am, until now I've avoided smart watches. The square-faced Apple Watch never appealed to me and the Android devices look too big, clunky, »
Several acquaintances have asked for instructions to build a switch that can be operated from a phone app, and/or virtual assistant (Google Home, Alexa, etc) »
UPDATE (Nov 24th 2019) - If you like this post, there's a part 2 to this post with some more upgrades. In this post I'll describe »
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- Ancient Admin Quote, 2014