Make an amazing $6 digital radio with an old ESP8266 and a VS1053 decoder
As always, before I begin my description, I'd like to give credit to the original creators of this project. It's called Ka-Radio and there's an instructable »
As always, before I begin my description, I'd like to give credit to the original creators of this project. It's called Ka-Radio and there's an instructable »
Last week I once again participated in the great Geekcon event. If you haven't heard of it, Geekcon is an one weekend event where people come »
About a year ago I posted a blog describing how to log temperature straight to google sheets from a DS18B20 temperature sensor. New Version This blog »
Several acquaintances have asked for instructions to build a switch that can be operated from a phone app, and/or virtual assistant (Google Home, Alexa, etc) »
It has been quite a long time since I have written a post on this blog. The main reason is the free time I have, or »
Ask your iPhone for weather conditions and it'll display data from a sensor somewhere nearby - often at the local airport - which might be miles »
First off - I take no credit at all for this project. All praise goes to the code writer David Bird. His code is here. I »
Regular readers of this blog know we're enthusiastic users of the ESP8266. I've personally shown how to control a camera pan and tilt mechanism, make a »
In recent months I’ve been using Cayenne for many of my IoT projects, allowing me to view sensors and controllers remotely. It’s a great »
A couple of weeks ago I set up a new bench in my workshop. It was a great new space, but each time I wanted to »
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- Ancient Admin Quote, 2014