Make an Astonishingly Minimalistic Multicolor LED Display for Pennies
A few months before Christmas, social media channels start filling with instructions about LEDs for home decoration. Popular software is WLED, a program that describes itself »
A few months before Christmas, social media channels start filling with instructions about LEDs for home decoration. Popular software is WLED, a program that describes itself »
UPDATE (Nov 24th 2019) - If you like this post, there's a part 2 to this post with some more upgrades. In this post I'll describe »
It has been quite a long time since I have written a post on this blog. The main reason is the free time I have, or »
This will be mostly a software post, talking about a new code I wrote for my spectrum analyzer. To get the full hardware description, check part »
The last post I wrote about some festival el-wire product reminded me a big project which I've done to the same festival last year. Unfortunately, I »
EDIT 4/4/2016: Check out part 2 of this post. It is mostly about a software update I've done. The code is much better, the »
My niece had a birthday this month, she became 13 years old. I'm really bad at choosing a birthday present for a 13 years old girl »
The jewish holiday of Hanukkah will be next week, and one of the most ancient traditions is lighting the hanukkiah (Or Hanukkah Menora). The Hanukkiah has »
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- Ancient Admin Quote, 2014