My first WIN! (in a hackathon)
Last weekend, my friends and I, went to a Hackathon, in the field of Medicine. And WON :) As a Hackathon can be - At first a »
Last weekend, my friends and I, went to a Hackathon, in the field of Medicine. And WON :) As a Hackathon can be - At first a »
We all know how fidgety it is to flash the ESP: 3.3 volts only, smoothing capacitors, GND-GPIO 0, VCC to CH_PD. Wouldn't it be »
Lately my monitor stopped working. It was during the weekend and there was no way to get a new monitor anywhere. I was working on some »
Have you ever had that problem where your WiFi reception is not good enough? How about doing something about it? Last year I moved to a »
Not all of my projects succeed. Lately I've been working on several different projects which I hope will be documented soon, but last night I've tried »
Last weekend me, my wife and my friends participated in one of the Geekcon events. What is Geekcon? Geekcon is a makers' event, similar to an »
EDIT (23/4/2015): We've added a toturial of how to flash the ESP8266 with the arduino IDE. As part of this toturial we've created a »
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- Ancient Admin Quote, 2014