Hack together a dirt-cheap LoRa transmitter/receiver dev board
LoRa is relatively new in IoT. (Actually, not that new, but it's taking time to percolate into the ecosphere.) For those that don't know, LoRa stands »
LoRa is relatively new in IoT. (Actually, not that new, but it's taking time to percolate into the ecosphere.) For those that don't know, LoRa stands »
Ill keep it short. Since my last project, the smart-cloud-like-lamp, I wanted to learn how to use NTP synchronization. Time synchronization issues came up quite often »
While playing with cement was fun, I am more a locally-distributed-Server-Client-architectured-HTTP-protocolled-cloud-like-smart-lamp-maker kinda guy. Bonus: Try to find Mufasa (my dog) in one of the images A »
How to accurately control the timing and motors of a stepper motor. A practical example on an unusual project. A watch winder is typically a small »
Couple of years back, I've bought an automatic watering system, to water my plants on the window (back then, we lived on 3rd floor). At first »
A few months ago I documented the process for creating a large 7-segment LED display. After figuring out the pin locations, the wiring, and the code, »
This is a continuation of the post I wrote more than two years ago where I explored the pin layout of a large LED dot matrix »
Last year we celebrated my daughter's first birthday, and as a present I've built her a busy-board and described all the build up on this post. »
Here in Israel the climate can get quiet extreme, about 45° (113f) and about 90% humidity. For a laptop, it gets even hotter, when its »
Last weekend, my friends and I, went to a Hackathon, in the field of Medicine. And WON :) As a Hackathon can be - At first a »
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