Desktop NeoPixel Clock
This project involves building a simple desk clock with NeoPixel rings and a WeMos (ESP8266) processor, which is also a beautiful piece of art. Previously, I »
A couple of days ago I watched a YouTube video where a guy pointed a device at a spinning disk. The disk's rotation speed was displayed »
This is going to be an unusual post for this site as it includes no electronics. Today I did something that astonished me. So much so, »
It has been quite a long time since I have written a post on this blog. The main reason is the free time I have, or »
Ask your iPhone for weather conditions and it'll display data from a sensor somewhere nearby - often at the local airport - which might be miles »
First off - I take no credit at all for this project. All praise goes to the code writer David Bird. His code is here. I »
The need for multiple switch settings, aka jumper settings, to set an ID/ program options has been crucial to my recent projects. As I build IoT »
Last summer a relative showed me his Tesla Model X do its impressive Sound & Light show. If you've never seen it, click here. I decided »
This project involves building a simple desk clock with NeoPixel rings and a WeMos (ESP8266) processor, which is also a beautiful piece of art. Previously, I »
A detailed description of how I created a PCB - and the lessons learned. LEDs and Buttons and shift registers, oh my! I have been having »
A couple of days ago I posted a blog that described how I designed and constructed an Hourglass Inverter. I used Tinkercad to design the parts. »
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