Installing ROS docker with GPU support, for controlling DJI's Tello drone.
Hey, its been a while. That probably because I'm knees deep in Technion's Autonomous & Perception course, of the Aerodynamics & Space faculty. As for the »
Hey, its been a while. That probably because I'm knees deep in Technion's Autonomous & Perception course, of the Aerodynamics & Space faculty. As for the »
Couple of years back, I've bought an automatic watering system, to water my plants on the window (back then, we lived on 3rd floor). At first »
HalloPy, renewed. Couple of years back, I've made this awesome project: Basically, its a controller, that extract 6-DOF values from hand-motions, using a regular 2D camera. »
My wife and I have this argument, that is as ancient as time itself - WHO DRIVES BETTER? (The answer is, obviously me, right?) I bet »
Here in Israel the climate can get quiet extreme, about 45° (113f) and about 90% humidity. For a laptop, it gets even hotter, when its »
Last weekend, my friends and I, went to a Hackathon, in the field of Medicine. And WON :) As a Hackathon can be - At first a »
We have reached that age where friends and family around starting to have babies. Giving my friend’s project, I've decided to build some nice gifts, »
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