Today I made a smart cloud-like lamp
While playing with cement was fun, I am more a locally-distributed-Server-Client-architectured-HTTP-protocolled-cloud-like-smart-lamp-maker kinda guy. Bonus: Try to find Mufasa (my dog) in one of the images A »
While playing with cement was fun, I am more a locally-distributed-Server-Client-architectured-HTTP-protocolled-cloud-like-smart-lamp-maker kinda guy. Bonus: Try to find Mufasa (my dog) in one of the images A »
In my previous post, I've described how I used design patterns for my TelloCpp driver. But, while project design is important - A project is nothing »
This post is all about project design. But before getting into UML's and other modeling tools, let us have a quick rewind: A few months back »
So, where to begin? I tried to use this ROS2 tello_driver. Back then it seemed promising, but after some messing around, I've learned that this »
Hey all, How are you doing these days? For the last couple of months, I've been learning and implementing all ROS2 index tutorials. ROS stands for »
Couple of years back, I've bought an automatic watering system, to water my plants on the window (back then, we lived on 3rd floor). At first »
Here in Israel the climate can get quiet extreme, about 45° (113f) and about 90% humidity. For a laptop, it gets even hotter, when its »
This will be mostly a software post, talking about a new code I wrote for my spectrum analyzer. To get the full hardware description, check part »
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