Make an Astonishingly Minimalistic Multicolor LED Display for Pennies
A few months before Christmas, social media channels start filling with instructions about LEDs for home decoration. Popular software is WLED, a program that describes itself »
A few months before Christmas, social media channels start filling with instructions about LEDs for home decoration. Popular software is WLED, a program that describes itself »
This post is more of a Public Service Announcement that a real "how to" explanation. A couple of weeks ago I acquired a WeAct 2.13 »
As I've mentioned so many times in my blog posts, I've never studied electronics or engineering. Consequently, I come at my projects entirely as an amateur »
Ill keep it short. Since my last project, the smart-cloud-like-lamp, I wanted to learn how to use NTP synchronization. Time synchronization issues came up quite often »
Hey All, This is a short manual I made while configuring VSCode IDE to work with ESP32 and Arduino on Ubuntu. Note: assuming VScode is already »
We have reached that age where friends and family around starting to have babies. Giving my friend’s project, I've decided to build some nice gifts, »
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- Ancient Admin Quote, 2014