ROS2 - Helping the community [part2]

So, where to begin?

I tried to use this ROS2 tello_driver. Back then it seemed promising, but after some messing around, I've learned that this ROS2 tello_driver is intended for tello EDU, which uses SKD 2.0, while the regular tello uses SDK 1.3.

DJI tend to do so in their so-called open-API products, like Tello and RobomasterS1 (we have one of these in work, for fun and hacking purposes).


In the previous post, I realized that the ROS2 tello_driver's flight_data message was missing the POS data, which is relevant for making an Autonomous drone. Hence I hacked the sh**t out of the good old tello_driver (I worked with it before), and of this ROS2 tello_driver as well, and trying to figure out what makes them tick.

As part of learning and improving ROS2 & C++ skills, in this post, I will share the journey I went through, and what I've learned on the way.

Let's dive in!

The next step was figuring out which communication protocol does the ROS2 tello_driver uses, and what are the differences between this protocol and the one that TelloPy's driver uses. According to their explanation, the ROS2 tello_driver is implemented around the DJI's SDK. DJI released two types of SDK's: 1.3, and 2.0, therefore I needed to get to know them both, here is what I learned:

SDK 2.0

According to DJI sdk 2 documentation:

The user can send many HIGH-LEVEL commands through port: 8889, such as:

  • takeoff
  • land
  • flip
  • go x y z speed mid <--- 'mid' == Mission ID
  • Many more high-level commands..

The Tello sends back its state (through port: 8990):

  • mid
  • x
  • y
  • z
  • pith
  • Many more parameters..

- Well, that's lovely.

If the drone knows it's position (Only god knows how it is being inferred - for me it is a BlackBox), then the goal of building an autonomous drone is more feasible then before!

In the previous post, showed that installing ROS2 tello_driver is easy as plug and play, also I posted a short video showing the /flight_data topic ( a ROS convention for message):

One can see the empty x y z fields of the message.

After some digging in the ROS2 tello_driver code, I found that it has a state_socket thread, which performs minimal parsing from the raw data:

// Process a state packet from the drone runs at 10Hz
  void StateSocket::process_packet(size_t r)
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx_);

    static std::map<uint8_t, std::string> enum_names{
      {tello_msgs::msg::FlightData::SDK_UNKNOWN, "unknown"},
      {tello_msgs::msg::FlightData::SDK_1_3,     "v1.3"},
      {tello_msgs::msg::FlightData::SDK_2_0,     "v2.0"}};

    receive_time_ = driver_->now();

    if (receiving_ && driver_->count_subscribers(driver_->flight_data_pub_->get_topic_name()) == 0) {
      // Nothing to do

    // Split on ";" and ":" and generate a key:value map
    std::map<std::string, std::string> fields;
    std::string raw(buffer_.begin(), buffer_.begin() + r);
    std::regex re("([^:]+):([^;]+);");
    for (auto i = std::sregex_iterator(raw.begin(), raw.end(), re); i != std::sregex_iterator(); ++i) {
      auto match = *i;
      fields[match[1]] = match[2];

    // First message?
    if (!receiving_) {
      receiving_ = true;

      // Hack to figure out the SDK version
      sdk_ = tello_msgs::msg::FlightData::SDK_1_3;
      auto i = fields.find("mid");
      if (i != fields.end() && i->second != "257") {
        sdk_ = tello_msgs::msg::FlightData::SDK_2_0;
      RCLCPP_INFO(driver_->get_logger(), "Receiving state, SDK version %s", enum_names[sdk_].c_str());

    // Only send ROS messages if there are subscribers
    if (driver_->count_subscribers(driver_->flight_data_pub_->get_topic_name()) > 0) {
      tello_msgs::msg::FlightData msg;
      msg.header.stamp = receive_time_;
      msg.raw = raw;
      msg.sdk = sdk_;

      try {

        if (sdk_ == tello_msgs::msg::FlightData::SDK_2_0) {
          msg.mid = std::stoi(fields["mid"]);
          msg.x = std::stoi(fields["x"]);
          msg.y = std::stoi(fields["y"]);
          msg.z = std::stoi(fields["z"]);

        msg.pitch = std::stoi(fields["pitch"]);
        msg.roll = std::stoi(fields["roll"]);
        msg.yaw = std::stoi(fields["yaw"]);
        msg.vgx = std::stoi(fields["vgx"]);
        msg.vgy = std::stoi(fields["vgy"]);
        msg.vgz = std::stoi(fields["vgz"]);
        msg.templ = std::stoi(fields["templ"]);
        msg.temph = std::stoi(fields["temph"]);
        msg.tof = std::stoi(fields["tof"]);
        msg.h = std::stoi(fields["h"]);
        msg.bat = std::stoi(fields["bat"]);
        msg.baro = std::stof(fields["baro"]);
        msg.time = std::stoi(fields["time"]);
        msg.agx = std::stof(fields["agx"]);
        msg.agy = std::stof(fields["agy"]);
        msg.agz = std::stof(fields["agz"]);

      } catch (std::exception e) {
        RCLCPP_ERROR(driver_->get_logger(), "Can't parse flight data");


Let's break it down:

It seems the SDK is being inferred from the message:

      // Hack to figure out the SDK version
      sdk_ = tello_msgs::msg::FlightData::SDK_1_3;
      auto i = fields.find("mid");
      if (i != fields.end() && i->second != "257") {
        sdk_ = tello_msgs::msg::FlightData::SDK_2_0;

Accordingly, x y z fields are being filled:

        if (sdk_ == tello_msgs::msg::FlightData::SDK_2_0) {
          msg.mid = std::stoi(fields["mid"]);
          msg.x = std::stoi(fields["x"]);
          msg.y = std::stoi(fields["y"]);
          msg.z = std::stoi(fields["z"]);

According to the SDK 2.0; drone state is being published to port 8890.

Using Wireshark, I saw that the packet sent to port 8890 contains parsed data. That fits the sdk 2.0 description:

Packet's data section contains drone state in one line:


This oneliner can be easily parsed using this parser:

    std::regex re("([^:]+):([^;]+);");

And with this parser, data is being inserted from the message into fields:

    for (auto i = std::sregex_iterator(raw.begin(), raw.end(), re); i != std::sregex_iterator(); ++i) {
      auto match = *i;
      fields[match[1]] = match[2];

The final ROS2 message look likes that:

(using the following command, in a new terminal: ros2 topic echo /flight_data)

    sec: 1601124796
    nanosec: 806872198
  frame_id: ''
raw: "pitch:0;roll:0;yaw:-5;vgx:0;vgy:0;vgz:0;templ:60;temph:62;tof:10;h:0;bat:63;baro:149.54;time:0;agx:-15.00;agy:1.00;agz:-998.00;\r..."  
sdk: 1 #<---------------------------- MY DRONE's SDK (1.3)  
pitch: 0.0  
roll: 0.0  
yaw: -5.0  
vgx: 0  
vgy: 0  
vgz: 0  
templ: 60  
temph: 62  
tof: 10  
h: 0  
bat: 63  
baro: 149.5399932861328  
time: 0  
agx: -15.0  
agy: 1.0  
agz: -998.0  
mid: 0 #<---------------------------- EMPTY - MY DRONE IS USING SDK 1.3  
x: 0.0 #<---------------------------- EMPTY - MY DRONE IS USING SDK 1.3  
y: 0.0 #<---------------------------- EMPTY - MY DRONE IS USING SDK 1.3  
z: 0.0 #<---------------------------- EMPTY - MY DRONE IS USING SDK 1.3  

Using the good-old TelloPy driver

Surprisingly, after running the TelloPy's '' script and subscribing to 'drone.EVENTLOG_DATA', data was successfully received from the drone, including POS!!!

This is the script I ran (with minor modifications):

from time import sleep  
import sys  
sys.path.append("/home/gal/sandbox/tello_py/TelloPy") # Simple hack I did to resolve PATH issues.  
import tellopy

def handler(event, sender, data, **args):  
    drone = sender
    if event is drone.EVENT_LOG_DATA:
        print(data) # <------------------------------ THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE

def test():  
    drone = tellopy.Tello()
        drone.subscribe(drone.EVENT_LOG_DATA, handler)
           inp =  input() 
        # drone.takeoff()
        # sleep(5)
        # drone.down(50)
        # sleep(5)
        # sleep(5)
    except Exception as ex:

if __name__ == '__main__':  

And this is how the drone.EVENT_LOG_DATA looks like:

MVO: VEL:  0.00  0.00  0.00 POS:  0.02  0.01 -0.01|IMU: ACC: -0.02 -0.00 -1.01 GYRO:  0.00  0.00 -0.00 QUATERNION:  1.00 -0.00 -0.00  0.00 VG: -0.27 -0.15 -0.06  

Can you see the POS: 0.02 0.01 -0.01?!

What is happening under the hood?

Well, it seems that hanyazou wrapped a go_lang project that hacked the Tello packets protocol.

Looking again at the

drone = tellopy.Tello() # First a Tello object is instantiated module looks like that:

class Tello(object):  
    EVENT_CONNECTED = event.Event('connected')
    EVENT_WIFI = event.Event('wifi')
    EVENT_LIGHT = event.Event('light')
    # Bunch of CONSTANTS
    # Bunch of CONSTANTS

    def __init__(self, port=9000):
        self.tello_addr = ('', 8889)
        self.debug = False
        self.pkt_seq_num = 0x01e4
        self.port = port
        self.udpsize = 2000
        # Bunch of initialisers
        # Bunch of initializers

        # Create a UDP socket
        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        self.sock.bind(('', self.port)) #<----------------------------- BIND THAT SOCKET TO THE GIVEN PORT

        dispatcher.connect(self.__state_machine, dispatcher.signal.All)
        threading.Thread(target=self.__recv_thread).start() # <-------- THREAD FOR RECEIVING DATA

Wait what?! what is port 9000????

It appears that there's an undocumented port, through which all the drone's data is 'spilled' into.

After sniffing that port with Wireshark:

There's no human-readable data here.

And yet, the driver extrapolated data successfully.

So I looked even deeper...

This is what the __recv_thread looks like:

    def __recv_thread(self):
        sock = self.sock

        while self.state != self.STATE_QUIT:

            if self.state == self.STATE_CONNECTED:
                self.__send_stick_command()  # ignore errors <---- *KEEP ALIVE

                data, server = sock.recvfrom(self.udpsize)
                log.debug("recv: %s" % byte_to_hexstring(data))
                self.__process_packet(data) # <------------------ THIS IS WHAT I'M INTRESTED IN
            except socket.timeout as ex:
                if self.state == self.STATE_CONNECTED:
                    log.error('recv: timeout')
            except Exception as ex:
                log.error('recv: %s' % str(ex))

Side Note

*KEEP ALIVE - The Tello drone turns itself OFF if no command is received within 30 sec. Hence for every data the Tello drone sends to the TelloPy client, self.__send_stick_command() is called to simulate stick commands back to the Tello drone.

Before diving into self.__process_packet(data), Some preperation is needed.

Inside, hanyazou mapped all possible commands to their HEX value:

# low-level Protocol (
START_OF_PACKET                     = 0xcc  
SSID_MSG                            = 0x0011  
SSID_CMD                            = 0x0012  
SSID_PASSWORD_MSG                   = 0x0013  
SSID_PASSWORD_CMD                   = 0x0014  
WIFI_REGION_MSG                     = 0x0015  
WIFI_REGION_CMD                     = 0x0016  
WIFI_MSG                            = 0x001a  
VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CMD              = 0x0020  
VIDEO_DYN_ADJ_RATE_CMD              = 0x0021  
EIS_CMD                             = 0x0024  
VIDEO_START_CMD                     = 0x0025  
VIDEO_RATE_QUERY                    = 0x0028  
TAKE_PICTURE_COMMAND                = 0x0030  
VIDEO_MODE_CMD                      = 0x0031  
VIDEO_RECORD_CMD                    = 0x0032  
EXPOSURE_CMD                        = 0x0034  
LIGHT_MSG                           = 0x0035  
JPEG_QUALITY_MSG                    = 0x0037  
ERROR_1_MSG                         = 0x0043  
ERROR_2_MSG                         = 0x0044  
VERSION_MSG                         = 0x0045  
TIME_CMD                            = 0x0046  
ACTIVATION_TIME_MSG                 = 0x0047  
LOADER_VERSION_MSG                  = 0x0049  
STICK_CMD                           = 0x0050  
TAKEOFF_CMD                         = 0x0054  
LAND_CMD                            = 0x0055  
FLIGHT_MSG                          = 0x0056  
SET_ALT_LIMIT_CMD                   = 0x0058  
FLIP_CMD                            = 0x005c  
THROW_AND_GO_CMD                    = 0x005d  
PALM_LAND_CMD                       = 0x005e  
TELLO_CMD_FILE_SIZE                 = 0x0062  # pt50  
TELLO_CMD_FILE_DATA                 = 0x0063  # pt50  
TELLO_CMD_FILE_COMPLETE             = 0x0064  # pt48  
SMART_VIDEO_CMD                     = 0x0080  
SMART_VIDEO_STATUS_MSG              = 0x0081  
LOG_HEADER_MSG                      = 0x1050  
LOG_DATA_MSG                        = 0x1051  
LOG_CONFIG_MSG                      = 0x1052  
BOUNCE_CMD                          = 0x1053  
CALIBRATE_CMD                       = 0x1054  
LOW_BAT_THRESHOLD_CMD               = 0x1055  
ALT_LIMIT_MSG                       = 0x1056  
LOW_BAT_THRESHOLD_MSG               = 0x1057  
ATT_LIMIT_CMD                       = 0x1058 # Stated incorrectly by Wiki (checked from raw packets)  
ATT_LIMIT_MSG                       = 0x1059

EMERGENCY_CMD                       = 'emergency'  

Also, I've learned from the go_lang project the structure of the Tello drone packets:

Position Usage
0 0xcc indicates the beggining of a packet
1-2 Packet size, 13 bit encoded ([2] << 8) | ([1] >> 3)
3 CRC8 of bytes 0-2
4 Packet type ID
5-6 Command ID, little endian
7-8 Sequence number of the packet, little endian
9-(n-2) Data (if any)
(n-1)-n CRC16 of bytes 0 to n-2

So for example: 0xcc 0x58 0x00 0x7c 0x68 0x54 0x00 0xe4 0x01 0xc2 0x16

Value Usage
0xcc the beggining of a packet
0x58 0x00 Packet size of 11
0x7c CRC8 of bytes 0-2
0x68 Packet type ID
0x54 0x00 "Takeoff" command ID, little endian
0xe4 0x01 Sequence number of the packet, little-endian
0xc2 0x16 CRC16 of bytes 0 to 8

Knowing the packet structure, and using the messages mapping described above, I can now understand the sniffed package from port 9000:

0xcc 0xa0 0x11 0x50 0x88 0x51 0x10 0x14 0x02 0x00 0x55 0x43 0x00 0x15 .....

Value Usage
0xcc the beggining of a packet
0xa0 0x11 Packet size of 564.0
0x50 CRC8 of bytes 0-2
0x88 Packet type ID
0x51 0x10 "LOG_DATA_MSG" command ID, little endian, hence: 0x1051
0x14 0x02 Sequence number of the packet, little-endian
0x00 0x55 0x43 ..... Data

As for processing a packet:

def __process_packet(self, data):  
        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = bytearray([x for x in data])

        if str(data[0:9]) == 'conn_ack:' or data[0:9] == b'conn_ack:':
  'connected. (port=%2x%2x)' % (data[9], data[10]))
            log.debug('    %s' % byte_to_hexstring(data))
            if self.video_enabled:
            self.__publish(self.__EVENT_CONN_ACK, data)

            return True

        if data[0] != START_OF_PACKET:
  'start of packet != %02x (%02x) (ignored)' % (START_OF_PACKET, data[0]))
  '    %s' % byte_to_hexstring(data))
  '    %s' % str(map(chr, data))[1:-1])
            return False

        pkt = Packet(data)
        cmd = uint16(data[5], data[6])
        if cmd == LOG_HEADER_MSG:
            id = uint16(data[9], data[10])
  "recv: log_header: id=%04x, '%s'" % (id, str(data[28:54])))
            log.debug("recv: log_header: %s" % byte_to_hexstring(data[9:]))
            self.__publish(event=self.EVENT_LOG_HEADER, data=data[9:])
            if self.log_data_file and not self.log_data_header_recorded:
                self.log_data_header_recorded = True
        elif cmd == LOG_DATA_MSG:
            log.debug("recv: log_data: length=%d, %s" % (len(data[9:]), byte_to_hexstring(data[9:])))
            self.__publish(event=self.EVENT_LOG_RAWDATA, data=data[9:])
                if self.log_data_file:
            except Exception as ex:
                log.error('%s' % str(ex))
            self.__publish(event=self.EVENT_LOG_DATA, data=self.log_data)

        elif cmd == LOG_CONFIG_MSG:
            log.debug("recv: log_config: length=%d, %s" % (len(data[9:]), byte_to_hexstring(data[9:])))
            self.__publish(event=self.EVENT_LOG_CONFIG, data=data[9:])
        elif cmd == WIFI_MSG:
            log.debug("recv: wifi: %s" % byte_to_hexstring(data[9:]))
            self.wifi_strength = data[9]
            self.__publish(event=self.EVENT_WIFI, data=data[9:])
        elif cmd == ALT_LIMIT_MSG:
  "recv: altitude limit: %s" % byte_to_hexstring(data[9:-2]))
        elif cmd == ATT_LIMIT_MSG:
  "recv: attitude limit: %s" % byte_to_hexstring(data[9:-2]))
        elif cmd == LOW_BAT_THRESHOLD_MSG:
  "recv: low battery threshold: %s" % byte_to_hexstring(data[9:-2]))
        elif cmd == LIGHT_MSG:
            log.debug("recv: light: %s" % byte_to_hexstring(data[9:-2]))
            self.__publish(event=self.EVENT_LIGHT, data=data[9:])
        elif cmd == FLIGHT_MSG:
            flight_data = FlightData(data[9:])
            flight_data.wifi_strength = self.wifi_strength
            log.debug("recv: flight data: %s" % str(flight_data))
            self.__publish(event=self.EVENT_FLIGHT_DATA, data=flight_data)
        elif cmd == TIME_CMD:
            log.debug("recv: time data: %s" % byte_to_hexstring(data))
            self.__publish(event=self.EVENT_TIME, data=data[7:9])
            log.debug("recv: ack: cmd=0x%02x seq=0x%04x %s" %
                     (uint16(data[5], data[6]), uint16(data[7], data[8]), byte_to_hexstring(data)))
        elif cmd == TELLO_CMD_FILE_SIZE:
            # Drone is about to send us a file. Get ready.
            # N.b. one of the fields in the packet is a file ID; by demuxing
            # based on file ID we can receive multiple files at once. This
            # code doesn't support that yet, though, so don't take one photo
            # while another is still being received.
  "recv: file size: %s" % byte_to_hexstring(data))
            if len(pkt.get_data()) >= 7:
                (size, filenum) = struct.unpack('<xLH', pkt.get_data())
      '      file size: num=%d bytes=%d' % (filenum, size))
                # Initialize file download state.
                self.file_recv[filenum] = DownloadedFile(filenum, size)
                # We always seem to get two files, one with most of the payload missing.
                # Not sure what the second one is for.
                log.warn('      file size: payload too small: %s' % byte_to_hexstring(pkt.get_data()))
            # Ack the packet.
        elif cmd == TELLO_CMD_FILE_DATA:
            #"recv: file data: %s" % byte_to_hexstring(data[9:21]))
            # Drone is sending us a fragment of a file it told us to prepare
            # for earlier.
  'unknown packet: %04x %s' % (cmd, byte_to_hexstring(data)))
            return False

        return True

While Breaking down this packet processor. Although it seemed scary with all that long code, it all went down to this line::

# Extract the command type from the packet and process it accordingly.
cmd = uint16(data[5], data[6])  

Earlier, in, I subscribed to drone.subscribe(drone.EVENT_LOG_DATA, handler). This is the type of packet I looked for in this packet_processor:

        elif cmd == LOG_DATA_MSG:
            log.debug("recv: log_data: length=%d, %s" % (len(data[9:]), byte_to_hexstring(data[9:])))
            self.__publish(event=self.EVENT_LOG_RAWDATA, data=data[9:])
                if self.log_data_file:
            except Exception as ex:
                log.error('%s' % str(ex))
            self.__publish(event=self.EVENT_LOG_DATA, data=self.log_data) # <------------- MY SUBSCRIBER BEING NOTIFIED

This line is the actual data extraction. This is what I looked for:


Bare with me, Its almost over :)

Peeking inside log_data.update():

    def update(self, data):
        if isinstance(data, bytearray):
            data = str(data)

        self.log.debug('LogData: data length=%d' % len(data))
        self.count += 1
        pos = 0
        while (pos < len(data) - 2):
            if (struct.unpack_from('B', data, pos+0)[0] != 0x55):
                raise Exception('LogData: corrupted data at pos=%d, data=%s'
                               % (pos, byte_to_hexstring(data[pos:])))
            length = struct.unpack_from('<h', data, pos+1)[0]
            checksum = data[pos+3]
            id = struct.unpack_from('<H', data, pos+4)[0]
            # 4bytes data[6:9] is tick
            # last 2 bytes are CRC
            # length-12 is the byte length of payload
            xorval = data[pos+6]
            if isinstance(data, str):
                payload = bytearray([ord(x) ^ ord(xorval) for x in data[pos+10:pos+10+length-12]])
                payload = bytearray([x ^ xorval for x in data[pos+10:pos+10+length-12]])
            if id == self.ID_NEW_MVO_FEEDBACK:
                self.mvo.update(payload, self.count) # <--------- THIS IS WHERE 'POS' DATA CAN BE FOUND
            elif id == self.ID_IMU_ATTI:
                self.imu.update(payload, self.count) 
                if not id in self.unknowns:
          'LogData: UNHANDLED LOG DATA: id=%5d, length=%4d' % (id, length-12))

            pos += length
        if pos != len(data) - 2:
            raise Exception('LogData: corrupted data at pos=%d, data=%s'
                            % (pos, byte_to_hexstring(data[pos:])))


This line:

payload = bytearray([x ^ xorval for x in data[pos+10:pos+10+length-12]])  

And this one:

self.mvo.update(payload, self.count)  

Now that I've found a way to extract POS from the packet that comes from port 9000, I need to implement a similar packet_processor in CPP, and add it to the ROS2 tello_driver.

So, what is the difference?

ROS2 tello_driver:

  • SUPPORTs ROS2 (discussed in the previous post).
  • Uses a documented SDK, supplied by DJI.
  • Listens to port 8890, which according to the SDK, supplies drone state:
    • human-readable data, that can be easily parsed and published.

      It has known serialized structure: pitch:0;roll:0;yaw:-5;vgx:0;vgy:0;vgz:0...
  • CPP
    • Fast.
    • Relevant for me.

TelloPy driver:

  • Listens to port 9000 - An undocumented open port at the drone, this port appears to send RAW_LOG_DATA that contains EVERYTHING! It has been discovered by the community - with reverse engineering (and probably lots of hours using Wireshark)
  • PYTHON only
    • Easy to understand & maintain & hack.

Final thoughts

In this post, I've focused on the journey I took.

It seems that I'm ought to implement a CPP packet_processor, for the ROS2 tello_driver. Thus adding support for RAW_LOG_DATA logging capabilities.

This is an excellent opportunity to support the development of ROS2. This mini-series is all about supporting the ROS2 community. I do have thoughts about POS data accuracy/availability though, will it be enough for a position estimator? is it solid enough to be considered in the VSLAM algorithm?

While the questions arise, the quest must go on.

Cheers, Gal.